
Submission of Forensic Evidence to Minister Nov 2007



The Myburgh report was released to Corpcapital and Frangos in November 2006. WWB, acting on behalf of Frangos, mandated six forensic investigations, which together covered every aspect of the Myburgh report. The investigators took a year to thoroughly investigate the various issues and submit reports. In every case, the investigators differed materially with the findings of Myburgh, and concurred on the major issues concurred. Of great relevance, is that each investigation was conducted entirely separately with no communication between the investigators to ensure an independent check and balance. WWB consolidated the reports and submitted them to the Minister of Trade and Industry, the custodian of the Companies Act, with recommendations for further action.

WWB submission to the Minister 261107 
Report of C.A Stride 071207
SAB&T Forensic Report 210807 
Abrahams response to Myburgh report & Corpcapital experts 050607 
Collett SAB&T response to Cytech evidence170407
WWB report on procedural fairness 231107